Investing in our mindset

I mentioned in a previous blogpost that I love to read and wish I had more time to curl up on my couch and read even more! The past few years I have read many biographies and autobiographies, as well as personal development and of course business books. I strongly believe in lifelong learning beyond a formal classroom setting to learn in ways that speak to us and allow us to study topics that interest us. Although I teach at the postsecondary level, I do encourage folks to read for fun, so we continue to learn and grow throughout our lives. Reading and learning is food for our brains and reading improves our memory, cognitive functions, expands our vocabulary and helps improve our mental health and well-being.

I am always reading more than one book at a time because I may not complete a book; I read until I have learned the key concepts and can start applying these concepts. Currently, I am reading Patrick Bet-David’s Your Next 5 Moves: Mastering the Art of Business Strategy. In this book, Bet-David shares his journey from Iran to the USA, growing up poor and as an immigrant, working in insurance and eventually starting his own company that has become a giant in the industry. He also has a YouTube channel Valuetainment where he shares many of his insights. I really enjoy this book because of its focus on the tremendous need for business owners and CEOs to think strategically all the time. He uses the game of chess as a metaphor to explain the concept of thinking five moves ahead to anticipate what will happen next, much like a chess master. Thinking strategically is an important lifeline for businesses both startups and those growing and expanding.

In addition to Bet-David’s book I am also reading Fred Kennedy’s novel Firstborn: The Life of Luis Fred Kennedy 1908-1982. This book tells the story of Fred Kennedy’s father who helped to turn the company his grandfather started in 1922 into one of the Caribbean’s largest companies, Grace, Kennedy & Co. Ltd. Yes, the company celebrated its 100th anniversary last year…what an achievement! I bought the book earlier this month at an event launching the novel, where the author, his family including his adorable grandchildren, staff from Grace Foods Canada, the Consul General of Jamaica to Toronto, the executive secretary who worked with the author’s father at Grace, Kennedy, and community members were in attendance. It was a lovely celebration of the author, his family and country. I haven’t gotten very far into the book, but I look forward to delving into the pages this weekend. The book not only chronicles the legacy of the Kennedy family and the company, but it also tells the story of Jamaica, its struggles to move from a colonial state to a newly independent country, and the many challenges the country and its people faced and continue to experience.

A third book I am “reading” is an e-book, so I am actually listening to it! Think Like a Monk: How to Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Everyday by Jay Shetty discusses his lived experience as a monk. In his early twenties, Jay said he began exploring Buddhism and spent his summers in India living in an ashram before quitting university and moving to India. After three years, one of Jay’s teachers advised him to leave the ashram and to go back into the world where he would have a much greater impact. I decided to listen to this book because I tune in to Shetty’s podcast, On Purpose, where he shares great insights and tips into relationships, mindfulness and communication, plus he has a great voice and I knew I would like listening to him tell his story in his voice. I like that I can pause the story to contemplate something he has said. I am really enjoying the book so far.

In addition to reading books, I love reading great e-newsletters. These are great learning materials because they focus on a particular subject, often in a concise format plus they come directly to me in my inbox. So, whether books, e-books or e-newsletters, learning is done in various ways (reading, writing, thinking and doing) so choose the formats you enjoy and keep reading.This is an important way to improve your mindset by investing time in reading. In our fast-paced lives, we may push reading aside, but aim to read a bit more this year. Your brain, mindset and health will thank you!

Thank you for reading! What books or newsletters are you reading or listening to? Email me to let me know.



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How to stop being busy, and focus on being productive!