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A new year, a new theme

Happy 2023 to you! Saying goodbye to 2022 and hello to the new year can be exciting and a bit daunting. New resolutions, goals, and commitments can start to feel overwhelming, but over the next few weeks, I will share with you tips I use to be goal-focused and very productive. 

For the past two years, I have identified a word for the year that I used as my theme. In 2021, I chose the word focus. I decided in the fall of 2020 that I wanted to work full-time in my consulting business so I set this as my goal for 2021. I knew I could achieve this but only if I was laser-focused on achieving this and by working smarter, not harder. December 10, 2021, was my retirement day! Yes, I reached my goal with 3 weeks to spare. 


Throughout 2021, I was very clear on what I needed to do each week to get to where I wanted to go. Being focussed on a SMART goal, that is, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-sensitive was key to my success. Each week, I set out tasks I needed to finish that brought me closer to my goal.I reviewed my progress each quarter and celebrated how far I had gone. In 2022, I continued setting weekly tasks and participating in the quarterly and annual reviews. 

In 2022, my word/ theme was a joy. I decided that self-employment would be on my terms. I worked 4.5 days per week and for no more than 7 hours per day. Lunch is an hour blocked in my calendar and I do not have meetings before 10 am. This way, I protect my energy to have more joy. I also went on 4 vacations, although one was a working vacation, because of course I can now work from anywhere, and not just at home! Joy is important to me not only because of the happiness and contentment I feel, but also because it is closely linked to feelings of freedom.

For me, leading my own company means freedom from workplace bullying and harassment, freedom from toxic workplaces, freedom from the notion of busy work, and how annoying that is when you want to be productive and not busy! It also means I set my schedule and have time flexibility to work when and where I want to work. For example, in May 2022, my son’s high school basketball team made it to the semifinals for the city championships. The game was at 12:30 pm in the middle of the week. I had the freedom to shut down my computer, jump into my car, open the sunroof, and head to the game. I remember the day so clearly because it was a sunny warm day in Toronto and there was very little traffic at that time of the day. I got to the gym and was the only parent in the stands watching, cheering, and screaming for him and his teammates. It was a great competitive game and he played well but, unfortunately, they lost by one point! Yes one point, but the fact that I showed up for him and his team is unforgettable and was pure joy.

For 2023, my word is abundance. I have been reflecting on this word since mid-December. I expect 2023 to be filled with an abundance of positivity and goodness for everyone and I have started to manifest it. Next week, I’ll share with you my annual goal-setting process and how I ensure I remain committed to meeting my goals throughout the year.

Thank you for reading! Please share this post with someone who can benefit from my insights.
